Ecosystem | Type | Status | Ref. |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 118627 |
Arabian Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Bay of Bengal | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 118627 |
Coral Sea and GBR | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 48497 |
Davao Gulf | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 47737 |
East China Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 11230 |
Great Barrier Reef | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 48497 |
Gulf of Aden | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Gulf of Aqaba | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 58021 |
Gulf of California | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 43278 |
Gulf of Oman | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 47613 |
Indian Ocean | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 6871 |
Insular Pacific-Hawaiian | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Kuroshio Current | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 559 |
North Australian Shelf | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 6871 |
Northwest Australian Shelf | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 6871 |
Pacific Central-American Coastal | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Pacific Ocean | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 6871 |
Persian Gulf | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Peru-Galapagos Waters | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Polynesian Waters | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Red Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 84159 |
South China Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 36648 |
Sulu-Celebes Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 45419 |
Tahiti I. | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |
Tubbataha Reefs | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 121724 |
Visayan Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 47737 |
Yellow Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 247 |