Ecosystems where Oncorhynchus mykiss occurs
n = 58
エコシステム タイプ 地位 参照
Amur River (basin) native 593
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 5723
Australian Zoogeographic realm introduced 6390
Baltic Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 94187
Beaufort Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Caspian Sea Lake introduced 39702
Central Arctic Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Colorado River River (basin) native 38738
Corsica Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 94543
East Bering Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 27436
East Central Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 6390
Elbe River River (basin) introduced 13364
Ethiopian Zoogeographic realm introduced 1739
Fraser River (basin) native 78809
Great Fish River (basin) introduced 94788
Great Lakes Lake introduced 86798
Gulf of Alaska Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 5723
Insular Pacific-Hawaiian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5360
Issyk-Kul Lake Lake introduced 41059
Juan de Fuca Strait Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1998
Kamchatka Sea/Bay/Gulf native 96339
Kuriles Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 96339
Kuroshio Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1739
Labrador - Newfoundland Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 7251
Lake Biwa Lake introduced 78994
Lake Erie Lake introduced 120328
Lake Huron Lake introduced 120328
Lake Michigan Lake introduced 120328
Lake Ontario Lake introduced 120328
Lake Superior Lake introduced 120328
Missouri River River (basin) introduced 78789
Nakdong River (basin) introduced 58345
Nearctic Zoogeographic realm native 27436
Nelson-Saskatchewan River (basin) native 78981
Neotropical Zoogeographic realm introduced 5723
New Zealand Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 1739
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Oder River (basin) introduced 13364
Orange River (basin) introduced 94818
Oriental Zoogeographic realm introduced 1739
Pacific Central-American Coastal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1739
Pacific Coastal Complex River (basin) native 81264
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1739
Palearctic Zoogeographic realm introduced 5723
Puget Sound Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1998
Sabaki River (basin) introduced 30558
Salish Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1998
Scotian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 7251
Sea of Okhotsk Sea/Bay/Gulf native 50550
Somali Coastal Current Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 1739
Southeast Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf introduced 6390
Strait of Georgia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1998
Tahiti Basins River (basin) not established 6349
Tigris River (basin) native 39702
Volga River (basin) questionable 58297
West Bering Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 27436
Zambezi River (basin) introduced 13337
cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  最後の修正によって elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09