Leucaspius delineatus was reported from 35 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 35 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Europe and Asia: From Lower Rhine and northern Germany eastward to southern Baltic basin; Black Se basin south to Rioni drainage, northern and western Caspian basin (south to Kura drainage); Aegean Sea basin (from Maritsa to Nestos). Absent in Italy, Adriatic basin, Great Britain and Scandinavia (except southernmost Sweden). Widely introduced in France, upper Rhine drainage and locally in Great Britain and Swiitzerland.
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Table 1: Present in 35 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Pays Occurrence Réf. Princ.
Asia Armenia ARM native 27674
Europe Austria AUT native 556
Asia Azerbaijan AZE native 683
Europe Belarus BLR native 683
Europe Belgium BEL introduced 1739
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 27368
Europe Bulgaria BGR native 683
Europe Croatia HRV native 27368
Europe Czechia CZE native 89840
Europe Denmark DNK native 9946
Europe Estonia EST native 33247
Europe Finland FIN introduced 7486
Europe France FRA native 40476
Asia Georgia GEO native 683
Europe Germany DEU native 41851
Europe Greece GRC native 42629
Europe Hungary HUN native 74335
Asia Iran IRN native 39702
Asia Kazakhstan KAZ native 683
Europe Latvia LVA native 683
Europe Lithuania LTU native 683
Europe Moldova MDA native 683
Europe Netherlands NLD native 683
Europe Norway NOR introduced 28571
Europe Poland POL native 556
Europe Romania ROU native 683
Europe Russia RUS native 556
Europe Serbia SRB native 27638
Europe Slovakia SVK native 90058
Europe Slovenia SVN native 27368
Europe Sweden SWE introduced 683
Europe Switzerland CHE introduced 59043
Asia Türkiye TUR native 33550
Europe UK GBR introduced 54080
Europe Ukraine UKR native 683

Table 4: Reported from 35 countries/islands.
Continent Pays Occurrence Réf. Princ.
Asia Armenia ARM native 27674
Europe Austria AUT native 556
Asia Azerbaijan AZE native 683
Europe Belarus BLR native 683
Europe Belgium BEL introduced 1739
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 27368
Europe Bulgaria BGR native 683
Europe Croatia HRV native 27368
Europe Czechia CZE native 89840
Europe Denmark DNK native 9946
Europe Estonia EST native 33247
Europe Finland FIN introduced 7486
Europe France FRA native 40476
Asia Georgia GEO native 683
Europe Germany DEU native 41851
Europe Greece GRC native 42629
Europe Hungary HUN native 74335
Asia Iran IRN native 39702
Asia Kazakhstan KAZ native 683
Europe Latvia LVA native 683
Europe Lithuania LTU native 683
Europe Moldova MDA native 683
Europe Netherlands NLD native 683
Europe Norway NOR introduced 28571
Europe Poland POL native 556
Europe Romania ROU native 683
Europe Russia RUS native 556
Europe Serbia SRB native 27638
Europe Slovakia SVK native 90058
Europe Slovenia SVN native 27368
Europe Sweden SWE introduced 683
Europe Switzerland CHE introduced 59043
Asia Türkiye TUR native 33550
Europe UK GBR introduced 54080
Europe Ukraine UKR native 683

The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  Dernière modification par sortiz, 06.27.17