Mylopharyngodon piceus was reported from 29 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 21 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 1 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 7 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Asia: Amur river basin to southern China (Ref. 55930). Reported from Vietnam (Ref. 44416). Persists only in Europe by stocking or accidental releases; native stocks in Russia have declined sharply (Ref. 59043). Several countries reported adverse ecological impact after introduction.
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Table 1: Present in 21 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent ประเทศ Occurrence อ้างอิงหลัก
Asia Armenia ARM introduced 41168
Europe Bulgaria BGR introduced 39223
Asia China CHN native 26561
North America Costa Rica CRI introduced 1739
North America Cuba CUB introduced 13686
Asia Hong Kong HKG native 5258
Asia Japan JPN introduced 1739
Asia Kazakhstan KAZ introduced 683
Europe Latvia LVA introduced 55893
North America Mexico MEX introduced 26550
Europe Moldova MDA introduced 683
Africa Morocco MAR introduced 1739
North America Panama PAN introduced 1739
Europe Romania ROU introduced 13686
Europe Russia RUS native 13397
Europe Serbia SRB introduced 56374
Asia Turkmenistan TKM introduced 30700
Europe Ukraine UKR introduced 683
North America USA USA introduced 86798
Asia Uzbekistan UZB introduced 11145
Asia Viet Nam VNM native 44416

Table 2: Possible in 1 country/island (stray, questionable)
Continent ประเทศ Occurrence อ้างอิงหลัก
Asia Malaysia MYS questionable 4789

Table 3: Absent from 7 country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error)
Continent ประเทศ Occurrence อ้างอิงหลัก
Europe Albania ALB not established 6375
Europe Austria AUT not established 6375
Europe Czechia CZE not established 6375
Europe Hungary HUN not established 6375
Europe Slovakia SVK not established 6375
Asia Taiwan/Ch Taipei TWN not established 6300
Asia Thailand THA not established 37773

Table 4: Reported from 29 countries/islands.
Continent ประเทศ Occurrence อ้างอิงหลัก
Europe Albania ALB not established 6375
Asia Armenia ARM introduced 41168
Europe Austria AUT not established 6375
Europe Bulgaria BGR introduced 39223
Asia China CHN native 26561
North America Costa Rica CRI introduced 1739
North America Cuba CUB introduced 13686
Europe Czechia CZE not established 6375
Asia Hong Kong HKG native 5258
Europe Hungary HUN not established 6375
Asia Japan JPN introduced 1739
Asia Kazakhstan KAZ introduced 683
Europe Latvia LVA introduced 55893
Asia Malaysia MYS questionable 4789
North America Mexico MEX introduced 26550
Europe Moldova MDA introduced 683
Africa Morocco MAR introduced 1739
North America Panama PAN introduced 1739
Europe Romania ROU introduced 13686
Europe Russia RUS native 13397
Europe Serbia SRB introduced 56374
Europe Slovakia SVK not established 6375
Asia Taiwan/Ch Taipei TWN not established 6300
Asia Thailand THA not established 37773
Asia Turkmenistan TKM introduced 30700
Europe Ukraine UKR introduced 683
North America USA USA introduced 86798
Asia Uzbekistan UZB introduced 11145
Asia Viet Nam VNM native 44416

The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  ปรับปรุงครั้งสุดท้ายโดย sortiz, 06.27.17