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Definition of Term

cold smoked
(English) A process whereby the fish has been lightly brined and smoked at a low temperature. Cold smoked fish must be cooked before consumption. (See also: Smoked fish, smoke drying, Cold-smoked fish)
fumé à froid
(French) Un processus par lequel le poisson a été saumuré légèrement et fumé à une température basse. Les poissons fumait froid doivent être cuits avant consommation. (See also: Smoked fish, smoke drying, Cold-smoked fish)
(Portuguese) Processo no qual o peixe é marinado e fumado a baixa temperatura. Antes de ser consumido deve ser cozinhado. (See also: Smoked fish, smoke drying, Cold-smoked fish)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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