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Definition of Term

(English) The beginning; often used for the anterior end of the dorsal or anal fin at the base. Also used in zoology to denote the more fixed attachment of a muscle. (See also: dorsal fin, anterior)
(French) Départ ; souvent employé pour l'extrémité antérieure de la base de la nageoire dorsale ou anale. Aussi employé en zoologie pour indiquer le point fixe d'attache d'un muscle. (See also: dorsal fin, anterior)
(Portuguese) O começo; usado para designar o início da base das barbatanas dorsal e anal (See also: dorsal fin, anterior)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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A-Z Biodiversity Terms Glossary providing definitions of terms, areas and acronyms related to biodiversity, commonly used, internationally recognized where possible, well referenced, and derived from legitimate sources
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