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Definition of Term

set net
(English) A wall of netting constructed of fine twine and held erect by a float line is anchored on the sea floor for periods of several hours. Fish are snared as they endeavor to swim through the meshes. (See also: gillnet, seine, purse seine)
filet fixe
(French) Un mur de filets construit de ficelle fine et tenu droit par un flotteur est ancré sur le fond de la mer pour des périodes de plusieurs heures. Les poissons sont piégés quand ils s'efforcent de nager à travers les mailles. (See also: gillnet, seine, purse seine)
rêde de emalhar
(Portuguese) Parede de rede construída com malha fina e colocada direita no fundo com uma linha de bóias, durante várias horas. Os peixes quando tentam passar a rede ficam presos nela. (See also: gillnet, seine, purse seine)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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