Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Sisoridae Sisorid catfishes

(See list of species below)

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283 species
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Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Ayarnangra estuarius

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 230 cm TL
Bagarius bagarius (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Bagarius bagarius

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand

Southeast Asia
Max. Length 200 cm SL
Bagarius lica Volz, 1903

Photo by Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand
Bagarius lica
No picture found

Max. Length 100 cm SL

Bagarius rutilus

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 70 cm SL
Bagarius suchus Roberts, 1983

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Bagarius suchus
[Crocodile catfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 22 cm SL

Bagarius vegrandis

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL
Caelatoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Caelatoglanis zonatus
No picture found

Max. Length 15.5 cm SL

Chimarrichthys longus

Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.

Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Conta conta (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.
Conta conta
[Conta catfish]

Photo by Tamang, L.

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL
Conta pectinata Ng, 2005

Photo by Photo by Tamang, L.
Conta pectinata
No picture found

Max. Length 8.7 cm SL

Creteuchiloglanis arunachalensis
No picture found

Max. Length 16.8 cm SL

Creteuchiloglanis brachypterus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 12 cm SL
Creteuchiloglanis gongshanensis (Chu, 1981)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Creteuchiloglanis gongshanensis

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 19.8 cm SL
Creteuchiloglanis kamengensis (Jayaram, 1966)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Creteuchiloglanis kamengensis
No picture found

Max. Length 19.9 cm SL

Creteuchiloglanis longipectoralis

Photo by Ng, H.H.


Creteuchiloglanis macropterus (Ng, 2004)

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Creteuchiloglanis macropterus
No picture found

Max. Length 15.6 cm SL

Creteuchiloglanis payjab
No picture found

Max. Length 2.5 cm SL

Erethistes nareshi

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL
Erethistes pusillus Müller & Troschel, 1849

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Erethistes pusillus
No picture found

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Erethistoides ascita
No picture found

Max. Length 3.3 cm SL

Erethistoides cavatura

Photo by James, A.

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL
Erethistoides infuscatus Ng, 2006

Photo by Photo by James, A.
Erethistoides infuscatus

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Erethistoides longispinis Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Erethistoides longispinis

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 2.6 cm SL
Erethistoides luteolus Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Erethistoides luteolus

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 4.8 cm TL
Erethistoides montana Hora, 1950

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Erethistoides montana
No picture found

Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Erethistoides pipri
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Erethistoides senkhiensis

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL
Erethistoides sicula Ng, 2005

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Erethistoides sicula

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 2.9 cm SL
Erethistoides vesculus Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Erethistoides vesculus
No picture found

Euchiloglanis dorsoarcus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 19.3 cm NG
Euchiloglanis kishinouyei Kimura, 1934

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Euchiloglanis kishinouyei
No picture found

Max. Length 20.0 cm SL

Euchiloglanis longibarbatus
No picture found

Euchiloglanis phongthoensis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.8 cm SL

Exostoma barakense
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Exostoma berdmorei
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Exostoma effrenum
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Exostoma gaoligongense
[Gaoligong mountain catfish]

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 11 cm TL
Exostoma labiatum (McClelland, 1842)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Exostoma labiatum
[Burmese bat catfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL

Exostoma peregrinator
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Exostoma sawmteai
No picture found

Max. Length 5.6 cm SL

Exostoma stuarti
No picture found

Max. Length 10.8 cm SL

Exostoma tenuicaudatum
No picture found

Max. Length 3.6 cm SL

Exostoma vinciguerrae

Photo by Freyhof, J.

Max. Length 15 cm SL
Gagata cenia (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Freyhof, J.
Gagata cenia
[Indian gagata]

Photo by WWF / Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 13 cm SL
Gagata dolichonema He, 1996

Photo by Photo by WWF / Vidthayanon, C.
Gagata dolichonema

Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.

Max. Length 31 cm TL
Gagata gagata (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.
Gagata gagata
[Gangetic gagata]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm TL

Gagata itchkeea

Photo by Freyhof, J.

Max. Length 15.8 cm SL
Gagata melanopterus Roberts & Ferraris, 1998

Photo by Photo by Freyhof, J.
Gagata melanopterus
No picture found

Gagata pakistanica

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Gagata sexualis Tilak, 1970

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Gagata sexualis

Photo by Islam, Md. R.

Max. Length 8.9 cm TL
Gagata youssoufi Ataur Rahman, 1976

Photo by Photo by Islam, Md. R.
Gagata youssoufi

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 16.3 cm SL
Glaridoglanis andersonii (Day, 1870)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glaridoglanis andersonii
No picture found

Glyptosternon akhtari
No picture found

Max. Length 32 cm TL

Glyptosternon maculatum
No picture found

Max. Length 7 cm TL

Glyptosternon malaisei

Photo by Neeraj Kumar Sharma & Dr.Javaid Iqbal Mir

Max. Length 24 cm SL
Glyptosternon reticulatum McClelland, 1842

Photo by Photo by Neeraj Kumar Sharma & Dr.Javaid Iqbal Mir
Glyptosternon reticulatum
[Turkestan catfish]

Photo by Rana, A.S.

Max. Length 9 cm TL
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak, 1969

Photo by Photo by Rana, A.S.
Glyptothorax alaknandi
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax amnestus
No picture found

Glyptothorax anamalaiensis

Photo by A. Biju Kumar

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora, 1923

Photo by Photo by A. Biju Kumar
Glyptothorax annandalei

Photo by Kaya, C.

Max. Length 12.5 cm TL
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg, 1918)

Photo by Photo by Kaya, C.
Glyptothorax armeniacus
[Armenian mountain cat]
No picture found

Max. Length 12.7 cm SL

Glyptothorax ater
No picture found

Max. Length 7.9 cm SL

Glyptothorax botius
No picture found

Max. Length 9.7 cm SL

Glyptothorax brevipinnis

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes


Glyptothorax buchanani Smith, 1945

Photo by Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Glyptothorax buchanani
No picture found

Max. Length 26.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax burmanicus

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes


Glyptothorax callopterus Smith, 1945

Photo by Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Glyptothorax callopterus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.0 cm SL

Glyptothorax caudimaculatus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 28 cm TL
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax cavia
No picture found

Max. Length 5.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis
No picture found

Max. Length 14.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax chindwinica
No picture found

Max. Length 8.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax churamanii
No picture found

Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Glyptothorax clavatus
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm TL

Glyptothorax conirostris

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 8.2 cm SL
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth, 2008

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Glyptothorax coracinus

Photo by Kaya, C.


Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus, 1766)

Photo by Photo by Kaya, C.
Glyptothorax cous
[Tigris cat]
No picture found

Glyptothorax davissinghi
No picture found

Max. Length 7.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax decussatus

Photo by Zhu, T.-B.

Max. Length 13.2 cm SL
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu, 1986

Photo by Photo by Zhu, T.-B.
Glyptothorax deqinensis

Photo by Tamang, L.

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry, 2011

Photo by Photo by Tamang, L.
Glyptothorax dikrongensis
No picture found

Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax distichus

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 15 cm SL
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra, 1890

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Glyptothorax dorsalis

Photo by Plamoottil, M.

Max. Length 11.5 cm SL
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham, 2013

Photo by Photo by Plamoottil, M.
Glyptothorax elankadensis
[Travancore rock catfish]

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 6.3 cm SL
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika, 2005

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Glyptothorax exodon
No picture found

Max. Length 7.4 cm SL

Glyptothorax famelicus

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 9.2 cm SL
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof, 2008

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Glyptothorax filicatus
No picture found

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax fokiensis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.0 cm SL

Glyptothorax forabilis
No picture found

Max. Length 10.3 cm SL

Glyptothorax fucatus

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 12.1 cm SL
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler, 1934

Photo by Photo by FAO
Glyptothorax fuscus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Glyptothorax garhwali
No picture found

Max. Length 14.3 cm SL

Glyptothorax giudikyensis
No picture found

Max. Length 6.4 cm SL

Glyptothorax gopii
No picture found

Max. Length 12.7 cm SL

Glyptothorax gracilis
No picture found

Max. Length 11.7 cm SL

Glyptothorax granosus

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 9.0 cm SL
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, 2007

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Glyptothorax granulus
No picture found

Glyptothorax hainanensis
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax honghensis
No picture found

Glyptothorax horai
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Glyptothorax housei
No picture found

Max. Length 7.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax igniculus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax indicus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 10.6 cm SL
Glyptothorax interspinalum (Mai, 1978)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax interspinalum
No picture found

Glyptothorax jalalensis
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax jayarami

Photo by Neeraj Kumar Sharma & Dr.Javaid Iqbal Mir

Max. Length 14.8 cm TL
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora, 1923

Photo by Photo by Neeraj Kumar Sharma & Dr.Javaid Iqbal Mir
Glyptothorax kashmirensis
No picture found

Max. Length 5.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax keluk

Photo by Ng, H.H.

South East Asia. Indonesi
Max. Length 10 cm SL
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty, 2009

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Glyptothorax ketambe
No picture found

Glyptothorax kudremukhensis

Photo by Kaya, C.

Max. Length 25 cm TL
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg, 1931)

Photo by Photo by Kaya, C.
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus
[Iran cat]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax laak

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 12.1 cm SL
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler, 1934

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax lampris

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 17 cm TL
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen, 2012

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Glyptothorax lanceatus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 10.8 cm SL
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler, 1934

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax laosensis

Photo by Sreekantha

Max. Length 15 cm TL
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes, 1839)

Photo by Photo by Sreekantha
Glyptothorax lonah

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 19.3 cm SL
Glyptothorax longicauda Li, 1984

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax longicauda

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 10.8 cm SL
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu, 1986

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax longjiangensis
No picture found

Max. Length 11.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax maceriatus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 16.1 cm SL
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li, 1984

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax macromaculatus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Glyptothorax madraspatanus

Photo by Martin-Smith, K.

Max. Length 14.4 cm TL
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger, 1894)

Photo by Photo by Martin-Smith, K.
Glyptothorax major

Photo by Gopi, K.C.

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi, 2010

Photo by Photo by Gopi, K.C.
Glyptothorax malabarensis
No picture found

Max. Length 15.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax manipurensis
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Glyptothorax mibangi

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 15 cm SL
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li, 1984

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax minimaculatus
No picture found

Max. Length 5 cm SL

Glyptothorax naziri
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm SL

Glyptothorax nelsoni

Photo by Myint Naung

Max. Length 13.6 cm SL
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, 2007

Photo by Photo by Myint Naung
Glyptothorax ngapang
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus
No picture found

Glyptothorax obscurus
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm SL

Glyptothorax pallozonus
No picture found

Max. Length 3.2 cm SL

Glyptothorax panda
No picture found

Max. Length 14.4 cm SL

Glyptothorax pantherinus
No picture found

Max. Length 17.8 cm SL

Glyptothorax pectinopterus
[River cat]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax pictus

Photo by Roberts, T.R.

Max. Length 10 cm TL
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes, 1840)

Photo by Photo by Roberts, T.R.
Glyptothorax platypogon

Photo by Roberts, T.R.

Max. Length 12.3 cm TL
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker, 1855)

Photo by Photo by Roberts, T.R.
Glyptothorax platypogonides
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax plectilis
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm TL

Glyptothorax poonaensis
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Glyptothorax porrectus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax prashadi
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Glyptothorax punjabensis

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 11.5 cm SL
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai, 1978)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Glyptothorax radiolus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.0 cm SL

Glyptothorax robustus

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 7.9 cm SL
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat, 2008

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Glyptothorax rugimentum
No picture found

Max. Length 16.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax rupiri
No picture found

Max. Length 90 cm SL

Glyptothorax saisii

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz, 1904)

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Glyptothorax schmidti
No picture found

Glyptothorax scrobiculus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.1 cm SL

Glyptothorax senapatiensis

Photo by James, A.

Max. Length 13.9 cm TL
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora, 1923

Photo by Photo by James, A.
Glyptothorax siamensis
No picture found

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax siangensis

Photo by Esmaeili, H.R.

Max. Length 13 cm TL
Glyptothorax silviae Coad, 1981

Photo by Photo by Esmaeili, H.R.
Glyptothorax silviae

Photo by Lei Pan

Max. Length 34 cm SL
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan, 1908)

Photo by Photo by Lei Pan
Glyptothorax sinensis
No picture found

Glyptothorax steindachneri
[Steindachner’s cat]
No picture found

Glyptothorax stibaros
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm TL

Glyptothorax stocki
No picture found

Max. Length 13.2 cm TL

Glyptothorax stolickae
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Glyptothorax strabonis
No picture found

Max. Length 21.5 cm

Glyptothorax striatus
No picture found

Max. Length 5.6 cm TL

Glyptothorax sufii
No picture found

Glyptothorax sykesi

Photo by Tamang, L.

Max. Length 15.2 cm TL
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Tamang, L.
Glyptothorax telchitta
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm TL

Glyptothorax trewavasae

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 30 cm TL
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth, 1860

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Glyptothorax trilineatus
[Three-lined catfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Glyptothorax ventrolineatus
No picture found

Max. Length 5.4 cm SL

Glyptothorax verrucosus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 11.5 cm SL
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu, 1981

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Glyptothorax zanaensis
No picture found

Glyptothorax zhujiangensis
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm SL

Gogangra laevis

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 10.8 cm TL
Gogangra viridescens (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Gogangra viridescens

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 5 cm SL
Hara filamentosa Blyth, 1860

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Hara filamentosa

Photo by Mahalder, B.

Max. Length 13 cm TL
Hara hara (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Mahalder, B.
Hara hara
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm TL

Hara horai

Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.

Max. Length 4 cm TL
Hara jerdoni Day, 1870

Photo by Photo by Rahman, A.K.A.
Hara jerdoni
No picture found

Max. Length 6.6 cm SL

Hara koladynensis

Photo by James, A.


Hara longissima Ng & Kottelat, 2007

Photo by Photo by James, A.
Hara longissima
No picture found

Hara mesembrina
No picture found

Hara minuscula
No picture found

Hara spinulus

Photo by Cottle, P.W.

Max. Length 7.3 cm TL
Myersglanis blythii (Day, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Cottle, P.W.
Myersglanis blythii
[Stone cat]
No picture found

Myersglanis jayarami

Photo by Biswas, B.K.

Max. Length 10.5 cm TL
Nangra assamensis Sen & Biswas, 1994

Photo by Photo by Biswas, B.K.
Nangra assamensis
[Koshi Nangra]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.4 cm SL

Nangra bucculenta

Photo by Acharjee, M.L.

Max. Length 6.3 cm TL
Nangra nangra (Hamilton, 1822)

Photo by Photo by Acharjee, M.L.
Nangra nangra
No picture found

Max. Length 3.7 cm SL

Nangra ornata
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm SL

Nangra robusta

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 6.2 cm SL
Oreoglanis colurus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis colurus

Photo by MNHN

Max. Length 12.3 cm SL
Oreoglanis delacouri (Pellegrin, 1936)

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Oreoglanis delacouri
No picture found

Max. Length 9.3 cm SL

Oreoglanis frenata

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL
Oreoglanis heteropogon Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis heteropogon
No picture found

Max. Length 13.8 cm SL

Oreoglanis hypsiura
No picture found

Oreoglanis immaculata
No picture found

Max. Length 10.3 cm SL

Oreoglanis infulata
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Oreoglanis insignis
No picture found

Oreoglanis jingdongensis

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL
Oreoglanis laciniosa Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis laciniosa
No picture found

Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Oreoglanis lepturus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Oreoglanis macronemus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Oreoglanis macroptera (Vinciguerra, 1890)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Oreoglanis macroptera
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Oreoglanis majuscula

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL
Oreoglanis nakasathiani Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis nakasathiani
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Oreoglanis pangenensis
No picture found

Max. Length 6.9 cm SL

Oreoglanis setigera

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 14 cm SL
Oreoglanis siamensis Smith, 1933

Photo by Photo by FAO
Oreoglanis siamensis
[Siamese bat catfish]

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 11.3 cm SL
Oreoglanis sudarai Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis sudarai

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 7.3 cm SL
Oreoglanis suraswadii Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Oreoglanis suraswadii

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 9.0 cm SL
Oreoglanis tenuicauda Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis tenuicauda

Photo by Vidthayanon, C.

Max. Length 8.1 cm SL
Oreoglanis vicina Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009

Photo by Photo by Vidthayanon, C.
Oreoglanis vicina
No picture found

Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Parachiloglanis bhutanensis

Photo by Rana, A.S.

Max. Length 6.6 cm SL
Parachiloglanis hodgarti (Hora, 1923)

Photo by Photo by Rana, A.S.
Parachiloglanis hodgarti
[Torrent catfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 11.2 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis abbreviata
No picture found

Max. Length 17.6 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis brevicaudatus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 13.3 cm SL
Pareuchiloglanis feae (Vinciguerra, 1890)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Pareuchiloglanis feae

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 18.2 cm SL
Pareuchiloglanis gracilicaudata (Wu & Chen, 1979)

Photo by Photo by CAFS
Pareuchiloglanis gracilicaudata
No picture found

Max. Length 18.1 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis longicauda
No picture found

Max. Length 16 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis macrotrema
No picture found

Max. Length 16 cm TL

Pareuchiloglanis myzostoma
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis namdeensis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis nebulifera

Photo by MNHN


Pareuchiloglanis poilanei Pellegrin, 1936

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Pareuchiloglanis poilanei
No picture found

Max. Length 14.8 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis prolixdorsalis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis rhabdura
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis robustus
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis sichuanensis
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm SL

Pareuchiloglanis sinensis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis songdaensis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis songmaensis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis tamduongensis
No picture found

Pareuchiloglanis tianquanensis
No picture found

Max. Length 15.5 cm SL

Pseudecheneis brachyura
No picture found

Max. Length 13.7 cm SL

Pseudecheneis crassicauda
No picture found

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL

Pseudecheneis eddsi
No picture found

Max. Length 18.8 cm SL

Pseudecheneis gracilis

Photo by Zhu, T.-B.

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL
Pseudecheneis immaculata Chu, 1982

Photo by Photo by Zhu, T.-B.
Pseudecheneis immaculata
No picture found

Pseudecheneis koladynae
No picture found

Max. Length 13.3 cm SL

Pseudecheneis longipectoralis
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Pseudecheneis maurus
No picture found

Max. Length 13.5 cm SL

Pseudecheneis paucipunctata
No picture found

Max. Length 13.2 cm SL

Pseudecheneis paviei
No picture found

Max. Length 15.3 cm SL

Pseudecheneis serracula
No picture found

Pseudecheneis sirenica
No picture found

Max. Length 18.0 cm SL

Pseudecheneis stenura

Photo by Jha, B.R.

Max. Length 20 cm TL
Pseudecheneis sulcata (McClelland, 1842)

Photo by Photo by Jha, B.R.
Pseudecheneis sulcata
[Sucker throat catfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Pseudecheneis sulcatoides
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Pseudecheneis suppaetula
No picture found

Max. Length 5.7 cm SL

Pseudecheneis sympelvica

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n = 283

Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Ayarnangra estuarius Asia 4.6 SL 2001
Bagarius bagarius Goonch Asia 230 TL 1822
Bagarius lica Southeast Asia 200 SL 1903
Bagarius rutilus Asia 100 SL 2000
Bagarius suchus Crocodile catfish Asia 70 SL 1983
Bagarius vegrandis Asia 22 SL 2021
Caelatoglanis zonatus Asia 3.9 SL 2005
Chimarrichthys longus Asia 15.5 SL 2011
Conta conta Conta catfish Asia 7.8 TL 1822
Conta pectinata Asia 4.9 SL 2005
Creteuchiloglanis arunachalensis Asia 8.7 SL 2015
Creteuchiloglanis brachypterus Asia 16.8 SL 2011
Creteuchiloglanis gongshanensis Asia 12 SL 1981
Creteuchiloglanis kamengensis Asia 19.8 SL 1966
Creteuchiloglanis longipectoralis Asia 19.9 SL 2011
Creteuchiloglanis macropterus Asia 2004
Creteuchiloglanis payjab Asia 15.6 SL 2014
Erethistes nareshi Asia 2.5 SL 2015
Erethistes pusillus Asia 4.2 SL 1849
Erethistoides ascita Asia 4 TL 2005
Erethistoides cavatura Asia 3.3 SL 2005
Erethistoides infuscatus Asia 4.5 SL 2006
Erethistoides longispinis Asia 4.1 SL 2012
Erethistoides luteolus Asia 2.6 SL 2012
Erethistoides montana Asia 4.8 TL 1950
Erethistoides pipri Asia 3.1 SL 1950
Erethistoides senkhiensis Asia 4.3 SL 2008
Erethistoides sicula Asia 3.9 SL 2005
Erethistoides vesculus Asia 2.9 SL 2012
Euchiloglanis dorsoarcus Asia 2005
Euchiloglanis kishinouyei Asia 19.3 NG 1934
Euchiloglanis longibarbatus Asia 20.0 SL 2011
Euchiloglanis phongthoensis Asia 2005
Exostoma barakense Asia 9.8 SL 2007
Exostoma berdmorei Asia 10 TL 1860
Exostoma effrenum Asia 6.5 SL 2014
Exostoma gaoligongense Gaoligong mountain catfish Asia 7.7 SL 2017
Exostoma labiatum Burmese bat catfish Asia 11 TL 1842
Exostoma peregrinator Asia 7.0 SL 2014
Exostoma sawmteai Asia 8.5 SL 2015
Exostoma stuarti Asia 5.6 SL 1923
Exostoma tenuicaudatum Asia 10.8 SL 2015
Exostoma vinciguerrae Asia 3.6 SL 1905
Gagata cenia Indian gagata Asia 15 SL 1822
Gagata dolichonema Asia 13 SL 1996
Gagata gagata Gangetic gagata Asia 31 TL 1822
Gagata itchkeea Asia 7.6 TL 1839
Gagata melanopterus Asia 15.8 SL 1998
Gagata pakistanica Asia 1999
Gagata sexualis Asia 6 TL 1970
Gagata youssoufi Asia 8.9 TL 1976
Glaridoglanis andersonii Asia 16.3 SL 1870
Glyptosternon akhtari Asia 1952
Glyptosternon maculatum Asia 32 TL 1905
Glyptosternon malaisei Asia 7 TL 1941
Glyptosternon reticulatum Turkestan catfish Asia 24 SL 1842
Glyptothorax alaknandi Asia 9 TL 1969
Glyptothorax amnestus Asia 8.8 SL 2016
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Asia 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Asia 11.5 TL 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus Armenian mountain cat Asia 12.5 TL 1918
Glyptothorax ater Asia 12.7 SL 2011
Glyptothorax botius Asia 7.9 SL 1822
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Asia 9.7 SL 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Asia 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Asia 26.6 SL 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Asia 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Asia 6.0 SL 2011
Glyptothorax cavia Asia 28 TL 1822
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Asia 5.8 SL 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Asia 14.6 SL 2007
Glyptothorax churamanii Asia 8.6 SL 2012
Glyptothorax clavatus Asia 6.7 SL 2014
Glyptothorax conirostris Asia 14 TL 1867
Glyptothorax coracinus Asia 8.2 SL 2008
Glyptothorax cous Tigris cat Asia 1766
Glyptothorax davissinghi Asia 1998
Glyptothorax decussatus Asia 7.8 SL 2016
Glyptothorax deqinensis Asia 13.2 SL 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Asia 9.4 SL 2011
Glyptothorax distichus Asia 10.1 SL 2020
Glyptothorax dorsalis Asia 15 SL 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Travancore rock catfish Asia 11.5 SL 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Asia 6.3 SL 2005
Glyptothorax famelicus Asia 7.4 SL 2016
Glyptothorax filicatus Asia 9.2 SL 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis Asia 12.5 SL 1925
Glyptothorax forabilis Asia 9.0 SL 2017
Glyptothorax fucatus Asia 10.3 SL 2012
Glyptothorax fuscus Asia 12.1 SL 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Asia 10.9 SL 1969
Glyptothorax giudikyensis Asia 14.3 SL 2020
Glyptothorax gopii Asia 6.4 SL 2019
Glyptothorax gracilis Asia 12.7 SL 1864
Glyptothorax granosus Asia 11.7 SL 2012
Glyptothorax granulus Asia 9.0 SL 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis Asia 1927
Glyptothorax honghensis Asia 8.8 SL 1984
Glyptothorax horai Asia 1934
Glyptothorax housei Asia 10 TL 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Asia 7.1 SL 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Asia 11.8 SL 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalum Asia 10.6 SL 1978
Glyptothorax jalalensis Asia 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Asia 10.5 SL 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Asia 14.8 TL 1923
Glyptothorax keluk Asia 5.8 SL 2016
Glyptothorax ketambe South East Asia. Indonesi 10 SL 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Asia 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus Iran cat Asia 25 TL 1931
Glyptothorax laak Asia 8.5 SL 1904
Glyptothorax lampris Asia 12.1 SL 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Asia 17 TL 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Asia 10.8 SL 1934
Glyptothorax lonah Asia 15 TL 1839
Glyptothorax longicauda Asia 19.3 SL 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Asia 10.8 SL 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Asia 11.1 SL 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Asia 16.1 SL 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus Asia 11.5 TL 1873
Glyptothorax major Asia 14.4 TL 1894
Glyptothorax malabarensis Asia 5.5 SL 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Asia 15.1 SL 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Asia 8.4 SL 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Asia 15 SL 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Asia 5 SL 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Asia 8 SL 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Asia 13.6 SL 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi Asia 5.5 SL 1902
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Asia 8.5 SL 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Asia 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus Asia 6 SL 1934
Glyptothorax panda Asia 3.2 SL 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Asia 14.4 SL 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus River cat Asia 17.8 SL 1842
Glyptothorax pictus Asia 7.6 SL 2016
Glyptothorax platypogon Asia 10 TL 1840
Glyptothorax platypogonides Asia 12.3 TL 1855
Glyptothorax plectilis Asia 7.6 SL 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Asia 8 TL 1938
Glyptothorax porrectus Asia 11.9 SL 2017
Glyptothorax prashadi Asia 6.6 SL 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Asia 11.5 TL 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus Asia 11.5 SL 1978
Glyptothorax radiolus Asia 11.9 SL 2013
Glyptothorax robustus Asia 6.0 SL 1966
Glyptothorax rugimentum Asia 7.9 SL 2008
Glyptothorax rupiri Asia 16.1 SL 2021
Glyptothorax saisii Asia 90 SL 1910
Glyptothorax schmidti Asia 8.5 SL 1904
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Asia 2012
Glyptothorax senapatiensis Asia 6.1 SL 2015
Glyptothorax siamensis Asia 13.9 TL 1923
Glyptothorax siangensis Asia 12.5 SL 2023
Glyptothorax silviae Asia 13 TL 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis Asia 34 SL 1908
Glyptothorax steindachneri Steindachner’s cat Asia 1913
Glyptothorax stibaros Asia 2016
Glyptothorax stocki Asia 14 TL 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae Asia 13.2 TL 1867
Glyptothorax strabonis Asia 9.6 SL 2008
Glyptothorax striatus Asia 21.5 1842
Glyptothorax sufii Asia 5.6 TL 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi Asia 1873
Glyptothorax telchitta Asia 15.2 TL 1822
Glyptothorax trewavasae Asia 14 TL 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Three-lined catfish Asia 30 TL 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Asia 9.5 SL 2006
Glyptothorax verrucosus Asia 5.4 SL 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Asia 11.5 SL 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Asia 2003
Gogangra laevis Asia 8 SL 2005
Gogangra viridescens Asia 10.8 TL 1822
Hara filamentosa Asia 5 SL 1860
Hara hara Asia 13 TL 1822
Hara horai Asia 8 TL 1976
Hara jerdoni Asia 4 TL 1870
Hara koladynensis Asia 6.6 SL 2009
Hara longissima Asia 2007
Hara mesembrina Asia. 2007
Hara minuscula Asia. 2007
Hara spinulus Asia. 2007
Myersglanis blythii Stone cat Asia 7.3 TL 1870
Myersglanis jayarami Asia 1999
Nangra assamensis Koshi Nangra Asia 10.5 TL 1994
Nangra bucculenta Asia 3.4 SL 1998
Nangra nangra Asia 6.3 TL 1822
Nangra ornata Asia 3.7 SL 1998
Nangra robusta Asia 10 SL 1973
Oreoglanis colurus Asia 6.2 SL 2009
Oreoglanis delacouri Asia 12.3 SL 1936
Oreoglanis frenata Asia 9.3 SL 2001
Oreoglanis heteropogon Asia 7.0 SL 2009
Oreoglanis hypsiura Asia 13.8 SL 1999
Oreoglanis immaculata Asia 2007
Oreoglanis infulata Asia 10.3 SL 2001
Oreoglanis insignis Asia 8.4 SL 2001
Oreoglanis jingdongensis Asia 2007
Oreoglanis laciniosa Asia 7.0 SL 2009
Oreoglanis lepturus Asia 9.1 SL 2001
Oreoglanis macronemus Asia 6.5 SL 2004
Oreoglanis macroptera Asia 6.5 TL 1890
Oreoglanis majuscula Asia 7.6 SL 2011
Oreoglanis nakasathiani Asia 11.9 SL 2009
Oreoglanis pangenensis Asia 7.7 SL 2015
Oreoglanis setigera Asia 6.9 SL 2001
Oreoglanis siamensis Siamese bat catfish Asia 14 SL 1933
Oreoglanis sudarai Asia 11.3 SL 2009
Oreoglanis suraswadii Asia 7.3 SL 2009
Oreoglanis tenuicauda Asia 9.0 SL 2009
Oreoglanis vicina Asia 8.1 SL 2009
Parachiloglanis bhutanensis Asia 10.2 SL 2014
Parachiloglanis hodgarti Torrent catfish Asia 6.6 SL 1923
Pareuchiloglanis abbreviata Asia 11.2 SL 2007
Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis Asia 17.6 SL 1984
Pareuchiloglanis brevicaudatus Asia 2005
Pareuchiloglanis feae Asia 13.3 SL 1890
Pareuchiloglanis gracilicaudata Asia 18.2 SL 1979
Pareuchiloglanis longicauda Asia 18.1 SL 1981
Pareuchiloglanis macrotrema Asia 16 SL 1925
Pareuchiloglanis myzostoma Asia 16 TL 1923
Pareuchiloglanis namdeensis Asia 2005
Pareuchiloglanis nebulifera Asia 9.6 SL 2000
Pareuchiloglanis poilanei Asia 1936
Pareuchiloglanis prolixdorsalis Asia 14.8 SL 2007
Pareuchiloglanis rhabdura Asia 2004
Pareuchiloglanis robustus Asia 1991
Pareuchiloglanis sichuanensis Asia 1991
Pareuchiloglanis sinensis Asia 14 SL 1952
Pareuchiloglanis songdaensis Asia 2001
Pareuchiloglanis songmaensis Asia 2001
Pareuchiloglanis tamduongensis Asia 2005
Pareuchiloglanis tianquanensis Asia 1997
Pseudecheneis brachyura Asia 15.5 SL 2008
Pseudecheneis crassicauda Asia 13.7 SL 2005
Pseudecheneis eddsi Asia 9.4 SL 2006
Pseudecheneis gracilis Asia 18.8 SL 2008
Pseudecheneis immaculata Asia 10.4 SL 1982
Pseudecheneis koladynae Asia 2010
Pseudecheneis longipectoralis Asia 13.3 SL 2008
Pseudecheneis maurus Asia 5.5 SL 2007
Pseudecheneis paucipunctata Asia 13.5 SL 2008
Pseudecheneis paviei Asia 13.2 SL 1892
Pseudecheneis serracula Asia 15.3 SL 2005
Pseudecheneis sirenica Asia 2007
Pseudecheneis stenura Asia 18.0 SL 2006
Pseudecheneis sulcata Sucker throat catfish Asia 20 TL 1842
Pseudecheneis sulcatoides Asia 10.5 SL 1992
Pseudecheneis suppaetula Asia 8.4 SL 2006
Pseudecheneis sympelvica Asia 5.7 SL 1998

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013