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Alestopetersius brichardi : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 18   (FB = 18)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Congo (Democratino yearHanssens, Wamuini, Ndangi & alHanssens M. P A7033.0109A7033.0110canal 'Kinsanga', Inga, Bas Congo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHanssens, Wamuini, Ndangi & alHanssens M. P A7033.0108canal 'Kinsanga', Inga, Bas Congo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P -175917-175929Boende Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P -153740région d'Ikela, Equateur Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrichard P.Poll M. P -153739Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearGosse J.P.Poll M. P -137415lac Yandja Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearGosse J.P.Poll M. P -134157-134160Yangole, riv. Lilanda Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulot A.Poll M. P -121106-121112Yangambi, lac Yandja Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulot A.Poll M. P -121105Yangambi, lac Yandja Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulstaert G.Poll M. P -104632-104633riv. Ruki Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulstaert G.Poll M. P -101407Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 96590-96592Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 93675Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 93666Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 88311-88317Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 88310Ingende Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulstaert G.Poll M. P - 42892Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba, Vreven & al.Boden G. P A7031.1736A7031.1737riv. Léfini, à 2,4km en aval du campement Malina, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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