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Occurrence Record of Trichomycterus steindachneri
Main Ref : DoNascimiento, C., S. Prada-Pedreros and J. Guerrero-Kommritz, 2014 (Ref. 102659) Museum : [MPUJ]
Name used : Trichomycterus steindachneri Sex :  
Catalog No. : MPUJ 4191 Picture :  
Locality : Quebrada El Charco, tributary of quebrada Santa Bárbara, río El Palmar system, río Orinoco basin, vereda Pueblo Nuevo, Ubaque, Cundinamarca,
Station :   Gazetteer :   
Year : 2005 Date : 19/08/05
Water depth : - m Salinity : freshwater
Altitude : 2700 - m Temperature :   °C
Coordinates : 4 31.1717 N73 58.7433 W
In decimal: 4.52 , -73.98
Accuracy :  
Geog. area : 3- America, South - Inland waters  
Country : 170 - Colombia Cundinamarca,
Length : 14.35 cm SL Range : -
Collector : S. Prada-Pedreros, C. Rivera & W. Vanegas Identifier :  
Gear :  
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last modified by sortiz, 10/04/17