Occurrence Record for Andeancistrus eschwartzae

Main Ref. Lujan, N.K., V. Meza-Vargas and R. Barriga-Salazar, 2015 (Ref. 104644)
Name used Andeancistrus eschwartzae
Catalog No. MEPN 14780 (ex. ROM 93927)
Locality Amundalo River, Pastaza River drainage, Sangay Sector, Palora Canton, Morona-Santiago Province
Year 2012
Altitude 953 - m
Coordinates 1° 44.915' S 78° 2.663' W
In decimal: -1.75, -78.04
Geography area America, South - Inland waters
Country Ecuador
Length 14.35 cm SL
Collector D.C. Taphorn, R. Barriga, A. Jackson and V. Román
Museum [MEPN]
Date 08/09/12
Salinity freshwater
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last modified by sortiz, 10/04/17